"That's the way we were that day" is my grandma's response to stories or photos that show family members "not quite at their best" from years past.
I feel like many of the stories and photos I share here will be one's I look back on say, "well...thats just the way we were that day...". :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

If a Picture's Worth a Thousand Words.....Here's 20,000.

Life lately. 
Some naps are just tougher to wake from than others.

That. Face. 

This isn't a face he ever makes, its just him, mid-"sentence"

When, "lets go upstairs and rock to sleep" gets terribly misinterpreted 

Daycare available until noon + 1:15 staff meeting = 
(this was the one moment he stood still)

Books. Books are THE thing right now.

A fav photo. Daddy is coming up the drive way. 

The cup was empty people, but he sure knows what he's doing.

First time eating spaghetti. Not sure what took us so long.
I think the noodles felt funny because he giggled with every bite. 


I realize he can't talk, but he somehow convinced me that 
he's done this before and Grandpa lets him.

I got boxed out. 

New shirt from Grandma.

Normally you would not find me (or my child) in a ball pit. 
This moment happened because 1. Bennett wanted in but needed help 
and 2. Josh BUILT this ball pit at church. 

Oh the park with friends. 
Eating veggie muffins, 
that were mostly fruit muffins this time because I was out of zucchini.
Levi called Bennett "Benenn" So I've called him that atleast 10 times since.  

Very serious at the Library.
Notice the left handed-ness. Dang you fatherly genetics...

Excuse me, when did you get big boy feet?

Wait? A righty after all? Nope, switched back right after I took this...

Serious Cheerio consumer. 

This moment brought to you by, "Dad's doing bedtime"

Friday, May 31, 2013

That's My Son

So I heard about this book....

I made it all the way to this page before I started to tear up...

I think its going to be a good one :) .
Any mom's of boys want to join me in reading it? 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Like Father Like Son

Ever since I met Josh he has LOVED it when it rains.  "This is my favorite weather" he says, every time it rains.  Those photos they sell at Target of trees with no leaves, on a cloudy day, covered in fog? Josh always wants to buy them. One time, in high school it was pouring rain, as I sprinted from my car up to his parent's front door, there he was, rocking in a chair on the porch like an 82 year old man "Want to sit out here with me?" Uh...sure. 

So yesterday when Josh told me he had been out looking for rain gear for Bennett, I wasn't the least bit surprised.  I think he wanted Bennett to learn to walk simply so he'd finally have someone who would say yes when he asks "do you want to go out in the rain?" 

My sister is in town so we've been spending a little more time at my parents hanging out.  This morning was PERFECT (meaning horrible) weather for my boys to go out in the rain. 

Getting ready
Can hardly wait 
 The rain boots Josh found at Walmart made B cry, so tennis shoes it is...

 Taking a little break

I wish you could hear the shrieks of delight coming out of that boy at this moment. 


Thursday, May 16, 2013

First is the Worst, Second is the Best

Ok, so my first Mother's Day wasn't "the worst", neither do I hope that my second was "the best" but this one was definitely better than last year's.  Don't get my wrong, last year it was amazing to acknowledge my first year being able to celebrate as a Momma but B was two months old and I think I was just coming out of the "what the heck is going on" phase of motherhood.  

Last year I felt like a mother, I'd birthed a child, took him to the doctor regularly and googled the heck out of everything to keep that boy alive (that's a bit dramatic).  But this year, I feel like a mom, a momma.  I've got my boy, I know him, I haven't googled anything in weeks.  

Usually I'm not really into these types of holidays, Valentines Day, even anniversaries, but I've decided that Mother's Day will be a perfect time to take an annual family photo.  Who's gonna say No to Mom on Mother's Day? I've also decided...if one day one of my children does NOT want to be in said photo, he/she doesn't have to be.  But at his wedding when he asks why he's not in the 2020 family pic I will be very. very. honest. 


It would be really easy to breeze through Mother's Day and think its all about me. But honestly, I spent much of the day thinking about those that want to be momma's and can't, or haven't yet. Last year on Mother's Day two of my close friends were years into trying to get pregnant with no luck.  That is a road I wouldn't want my worst enemy to have to walk.  It was tough to know these women were "mothers" in their heart, but there were no babies here to show for it.  Both of them are mom's this year (!!) and the miracle and need to be thankful were not lost on me last week.

I got an email last week from a couple who are missionaries in East Asia.  The last email we got from them was an announcement of pregnancy.  I didn't have to open the email to know what "Sorrowful yet always rejoicing" as a title meant was waiting for me inside.  The email was an honest account of questioning and faith as they lost and buried their unborn child.  I will not take for granted how easy it was for us to have B. And I know there may be struggles ahead as we try for future children.  Each pregnancy, loss, and birth is a reminder that we are not in control.  No matter how hard we want to think we are.  

I hope on future Mother's Days I can be sensitive to the Mommas around me who have lost or never had their children.  And for now, I'll hug my little man that much tighter (I mean I can't get much tighter....) and keep in perspective how blessed we are to have this little life waking us up at 3:30 a.m. and needing to be picked up to watch EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I make toast...  

p.s. we haven't done this years photo shoot yet but I'll be sure to post a few this weekend. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Visit to the Farm

Since Sundays are quite busy for us we decided to do a Mother's Day outing today. 
We headed to the Minnesota Zoo to do the outside stuff (we did the inside trails a few weeks ago). 
Here are some photos of our adventure.

Hi Sweet Boy

Love.love.loved the baby goats
Oh the sweetness of this boy melts me
Is this cuter because he has no idea he's a chicken's head?
Literally had to peel his fingers from that steering wheel
These boys // love

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Here we go...

I never thought I would start a blog.  I'm actually not sure I'm going to have one.  I find them somewhat self-absorbed and I'm not sure who will really take the time to read it.  Over the last few weeks I have had multiple people tell me I should start a blog.  One of them was my mother so I probably should have taken that one with a grain of salt.  However, I follow a few lovely blogs (thedaybookblog.com and natthefatrat.com) and find myself thinking in blog post ideas, I love sharing my photographs, and am open to the idea of sharing more about our lives, being a momma, a wife, sister, friend, believer, whatever else I am or become. To be honest, I want a place to document and process our lives but don't really care if anyone ever clicks on this page....